43 Things homepage

We’ve been talking a lot in recent months about the 43 Things homepage. The current homepage has taken us a long way with the early adopter crowd but can be cryptic for new users. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked ‘what is 43 Things?’. I usually tell people it’s a site where people create a list of their goals and give advice and support to each other. It would be nice to have a homepage that communicated that for me.

Enter new robot Michelle who is now helping us out with all things design. Here’s where we’re headed with the unrecognized homepage (that means when you’re not logged into the site). If you’re signed in, the homepage will look as it does today for now. We should have this live in a few days:


p.s. the “need inspiration” section is a fancy tool that reveals popular goals by category and allows you to quickly add them to your list.

10 responses to “43 Things homepage

  1. I like it. It’s much more balanced as an opening page.

  2. I agree, it looks great! Keep up the good work.

  3. Looks great, love the new style and simple explanation. Right to the point!

  4. The new homepage is a huge improvement — kudos to Michelle for making it happen. I’d be interested to hear if it hurts your SEO at all, since the different links/lists are changed based on a users selection of popular/other clicks on the right side.

    Great job!

  5. I like the new home page, I think is great and give a good idea about this website in the simplest way. Way to go Robots!

  6. The new home page looks really great. Simple and intuitive.

  7. i think thats really good but it could be better if the goals listed under the inspiration were clickable?

  8. Are you related to 43 Folders?

  9. I like it. I would change the “ADD” buttons to some different style. The gray doesn’t clash well with the rest of the site.

  10. Nice work Michelle! The page makes it very clear what you’re about and how to get started.

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