site outage tonight around midnight PST

Today (August 25, 2008) we’ll be bringing the site down around midnight PST (aka Seattle time). Todd will add columns to one of our database tables, and the sites have to come down for this to occur. This change to the database will enable some new features on 43 Things. Those features won’t roll out just yet, but we’re making the change now so we can begin to push the features and test them before they go live.

The outage should last about 60 minutes … but leave us some wiggle room. Good luck and godspeed, Todd

UPDATE: Switched off the sites and initiated the database update around 12:05 AM PST. Now we just have to wait while MySQL chews through millions of rows to add the new columns. This should complete within the hour.

12:40: First half of the update just completed, so it may be bit later than 1:00 by the time we’re back online. If the second half runs at the same speed, we should be back up and running by 1:30 PST.

1:20: Okay, database is upgraded and the websites are back up.  G’night, folks!

4 responses to “site outage tonight around midnight PST

  1. Hi,

    I’m not sure if I’m the only one with this issue, but I can navigate to everybody’s goal list, except my own! When I click on my page link, I get the Scheduled Downtime message. Not so when replacing my screen name with any other name. Any suggestions?


    Verena aka redbandita

  2. Hi Redbandita,

    Try refreshing your page a few times. It sounds like your page is cached (meaning your computer is holding on to a stale version of your profile page). Shift + R usually reloads the page in most browsers.

  3. looks like the website is still down?? i still see the maintenance notice…

  4. E3246 –

    Try reloading the page or clearing your browser cache. The sites are up.

    If you’re using Internet Explorer, here’s how to clear your cache:

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