There’s a book in the navigation bar … for a little while

We added a book image and message to the navigation bar up top today.  It’s a temporary thing to promote the release of our new book Dream It. List It. Do It! and the new 43 Things Personality Quiz. If you haven’t already, take the quiz … it’s quirky, fun(ny), informative and, at times, wildly insightful.


2 responses to “There’s a book in the navigation bar … for a little while

  1. I clicked on to Amazon today to look for something and saw your book right on the first page! Congrats you guys. I’m very excited for you. I haven’t been on the site much lately but I always check in to see what you are up to and I still communicate with a lot of people I met back on 43things several years ago.

    Thanks for all you do and I think I’m going to have to order the book this week!

    (cogentdiversion on 43T)

  2. Congrats, guys! I’m looking forward to reading the book one of these days.

    Today is my 4th anniversary at 43T, so I wrote an ode & want to share it with you:

    Thanks for all you do to make 43Things such a great place!

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