Site slow down

We are working out some kinks on the site that have been causing the site to slow down lately. In order to keep the site fast, we are looking at some unnecessarily complicated features that might be gunking up the works.

Over the next few weeks, you might see a few features get turned off while we work things out. One prime suspect is “external feeds”, the ability to add external feeds to folks you subscribe to, so those feeds will get stale while we figure out if we can keep them working at all. If you are looking for a similar service, try

We are also bringing on a whole new fleet of machines to serve the sites. We hope we will see a nice bump there as well. Unfortunately, the slow downs and service changes are going to impact heavy users the most. You folks have simply used the site more intensely than the system was built to accommodate. Sorry for the bumps in the road, but we are adding the faster hardware and rewriting the features to keep the site fast and a pleasure for you to use.


5 responses to “Site slow down

  1. Thank you for the update. And thank you for working to keep the 43T infrastructure up to the task!

  2. Waterfall Nymph

    Thanks for letting us all know what’s going on. We appreciate the updates.

  3. Ditto what Carm said–we do appreciate your efforts to keep things wonderful!

  4. Thanks, Robots! And just a side note . . . we would not be using the site so intensely if you had not done such a great job with it in the first place!

  5. Pingback: The Robot Co-op goes on a diet « The Robot Co-op

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