Personal Growth and Personnel Changes

Daniel Spils on keyboards with Maktub

Daniel Spils on keyboards with Maktub

If you’ve been following the Robots for any amount of time, then surely you’ve met Daniel somewhere along the way. He was present at the creation, when the idea for 43 Things first emerged and he’s been our “Smooth Operating Officer” for nearly 5 years now.

If you are a real Daniel devotee you might also know that he’s a professional musician who over almost 10 years has released 5 albums with his band Maktub and toured the country a couple times over.

Meet Maktub

Meet Maktub

Well today is an auspicious day in that band’s history as they announce the release of their fifth album FIVE. They’ve made FIVE available as a free download, a CD you can buy from their own store, from Amazon or download mp3s from Amazon. iTunes will have it up shortly.

You should definitely check out the free downloads (really pay what you like downloads) and hear what Daniel’s been up to. Here at the Robot Co-op, we couldn’t be more proud of Daniel’s progress on his musical goals. But we are even happier about the personal news Daniel shared with us this week.

Daniel Spils is getting married!

Daniel & Brangien

Daniel & Brangien

And who is his bride? None other than Brangien Davis, the blogger behind the Robot Co-op’s now defunct Petri Project. The Co-op brought them together and we couldn’t be more proud. We think Daniel couldn’t have found a more witty, urbane, and beautiful woman to spend his life with. And Brangien couldn’t have found a more caring, loyal, and fun loving character with whom to spend each day. The both are two lucky souls and we hope you’ll join us in wishing them the best.

Teary eyed yet? Get ready to turn on the water works: Daniel Spils is taking all this change and taking leave of the Robot Co-op. He’s taking his five year anniversary with 43 Things as an opportunity to spend more time with Brangien, more time with music, more time camping, and more time to recharge for whatever comes next. We can’t say good bye to Daniel, because we count on him being around and cheering on the Co-op, but we have to let him go.

So what can we say Dan? We love you. It has been a blast. You made it up and you made it happen. You got us started and you’ll always be a Robot. Best wishes and we’ll see you at the wedding!

10 responses to “Personal Growth and Personnel Changes

  1. Congratulations! :]

  2. Congratulations Daniel (and Brangien)!
    What wonderful news and what a great thing to do. Enjoy the adventure and the changes and keep us up to date with what you’re doing with your life!

  3. Oh yay! I’m so happy for you both, this is ace!

  4. Congratulations to Daniel and Brangien. You guys make a lovely couple!

  5. Congrats Daniel and Brangien! Much happiness always.

  6. What a wonderful evolution for Daniel as he’s accomplished so many things over the past five years and is heading off to accomplish so many new and exciting things as well. I’ll miss him here as a Robot, but look forward to tracking his further journeys.

  7. Oh man! We will MISS you here, Daniel, but these are the best possible reasons for departing–marriage & music! Many congratulations!

  8. Great news – congrats to you both. Daniel has always been helpful and responsive. We will miss him.

  9. I don’t know Daniel personally, but he’s always been helpful when and if I had a question or a problem on this site. He also gave my wife and I some great recommendations when we took a trip to Seattle a few months ago for our anniversary. You’ll be missed Daniel, but best of luck it in whatever you do, and I’m going to check out your band. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Congratulations Daniel!! Thanks for great music and thanks for helping me get my foot in the door at Amazon way back in 2000. ๐Ÿ™‚

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