Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

The Robot Co-op's new window sign

For the first time in Robot history, we are publicly touting just what it is that we do around here. In other words, we acquired — and self-installed — some window signage. Now, people who are strolling, sauntering, tripping, or driving by the office can look up and get a sense of what happens behind these windows. It’s a tad uncomfortable calling attention to ourselves like this, but hopefully it’ll help answer the question, “What the hell is it that you do, anyway?”

Here are the Co-op thoughts on the window decal adventure:

Joe: “I already sent you email about that.” (He was right, he had…here’s what it said) “I’m going to enjoy watching people stop on Pike St and look up, wonder what the sign is about, then walk away thinking about their life goals.”

Ivan: “If it was straight, I’m fine with it.”

Michelle: “It’s crooked! we’d better peel it up and start over again… kiiiiiidding!! It looks great!!”

Laurel: “What about it?”

Kathy: “I love it! Perfection is overrated. Besides, if everything were perfect, 43 Things wouldn’t exist.”

Josh: “Saying who we are seems like a bold step. But we are 6 years in. It might be time to say who we are.”

A great thing came out of the ultra-mega-window-decal project, however: we learned something new about each other. In addition to being a crack team of developers, designers, thinkers, and joyologists, we discovered a hidden talent for applying window decals. Who knew?

In other news, we’re working on a New Year’s Resolution feature. It’s forcing us to talk to a lot more people than we normally do, and is taking us into uncharted “public relations” territory. Whoa. We hope that it will get you psyched for 2011.

Feel free to share your thoughts on the new window decal. And whatever else. We like to hear from you.


4 responses to “Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

  1. It looks nice! I hope you’re still getting enough daylight through the decal-ed windows. 🙂

  2. That would’ve made it so much easier to find you guys when I made my visit a few years back. Joking aside, it looks great. Maybe I should do the same for myself: put a “Learn Latin here” sticker on my window. Nah, my wife would kill me.

  3. I drove by this, and laughed. I’ve been tracking your progress for years while living in Montana, Wisconsin, California, and Idaho… Now, there you are, two blocks from my new home, and I didn’t even realize it.

    The sign was a good idea.

  4. Nice sign!! I had no idea you were right down the street from me. Keep it up!

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