Into the clouds

Have you heard about the future? Apparently, we aren’t going to need big, bulky computers or Tivo boxes anymore. It’s all going to “live in the cloud”.

I’m not sure I totally get it, but Ivan tells me it will be cheaper and easier and we are into both of those things. 43 Places already lives in the cloud. Today, we are tying All Consuming and Lists of Bests to some sort of virtual zeppelin and sending them off to “the cloud” as well.

Into the Clouds

That's Ivan in the rowboat, releasing the Zeppelin.

If we’ve done it right, the sites should behave just as they did before. Of course, if we didn’t do it right, we’d appreciate you telling us about any problems. All Consuming and Lists of Bests will be unavailable starting around 2:30 pm Pacific time, and should return around 5:30 or 6 pm. 43 Things and 43 Places should be unaffected.

If this cloud stuff is something you want to know more about, here is a Wikipedia article about the topic. As always, thanks for caring!

58 responses to “Into the clouds

  1. If by ‘done it right’, you mean made it so I can’t log in to listsofbests, then you got it right on the button. There seems to be some issue now that the hideous big blue facebook button is sitting next to the log in button. It won’t let me just log in… link busted.

  2. hertraveljournal

    Is this the reason why my To Do List is unavailable at the moment? ‘Couldn’t login to the listof bests website? I hope my To Do List isn’t permanently remove because you know how hard it is to type those goals. Thanks!

  3. Does this explain why all my lists disappeared? Hopefully, they are still drifting through the ether, and will rejoin my account at some point in the future!

    I had ~78 lists, and a dozen or so completed (account – littlefuzzy) – Now I have 3 lists, and 5 completed… I was thinking my account had been hacked or something (for whatever THAT would gain someone), but maybe some lists are on a server that hasn’t joined the cloud or however that stuff works.

  4. Hi,
    Are you experiencing any bugs on lists of bests? Have you deleted any lists? Because I used to have 217 lists, now I only have 53. Also, when I click on the Login button, nothing happens.
    Thank you.

  5. Same here. I had 30 lists of bests, now I have 5. And I couldn’t use the login button at the top. I had to work around it by going to Sign up then use the login button there. If the loss is permanent, I simply won’t use your product anymore. It’s too clunky.

  6. I’m experiencing the same problems as apartmentcat.

  7. southernbohemian

    Same problem as apartmentcat – most lists I had were deleted and I can’t login unless I hit on “Sign In” and then click “Log In” from there. I’ve noticed that the problem seems to be on the lists themselves – ones which used to have hundreds of people working on them no longer have anyone listed as working on them.

  8. Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for the bug reports. I apologize that the transfer “into the cloud” didn’t go perfectly smoothly. We’ll look into the issues of not being able to log in, and missing lists. Thank you for you patience.


  9. I can’t log in either and my lists have been removed from 27 I was working on and several completed to 1. I am not happy…this better not be permanent…a lot of time and effort went into those lists! If this is permanent I will be boycotting your site.

  10. Same problems here:

    Cannot log in to my account directly, I have to click on Sign Up link first, then click the Login link shown. I have to do this on every visit, ticking the “Remember Me” box does nothing.

    The number of lists I have has also shrunk. They are still in your system, but my account has been detached from them. I will have to re-join each list. I had over a 1000 so that will take some time.

  11. The “can’t login” problem should be fixed. If you’re still unable to login, please clear your browser cache.

    We’re still looking into disappearing lists. If you haven’t already, please let us know what your username is. That will help us solve the problem.

    Thanks again for your patience,

  12. User name is Norabear

  13. Thanks for fixing…my lists have reappeared

  14. There were some hiccoughs last night, but everything seems smooth this afternoon. Save one thing, which I may just need to hang tight for. The items at All Consuming don’t seem to be showing what lists they are on. That’s the only bug I see at this time.

  15. We did a 2nd import of the lists, and everyone’s lists should be back. Sorry for the scare! Let us know if you think you are still missing lists.

    Joe and the Robots

  16. I just logged in and they’re all back ! Oh, my beating heart! Thank goodness!
    I have a rather unhealthy obsession with lists, and I’ve spent many (possibly hundreds of) hours working with them on your site, so I was a bit stressed when most of them disappeared. Thank you!

  17. Thanks Joe… now I feel bad about my sarcastic tone. Logged in and my lists all appear to be back. Looking good, guys…

  18. hertraveljournal

    This is just a follow up. Now I can see the 3 lists I created and can now login to listofbests website except that one of my list (to do list) does now allow me to update my progress. Thank you kindly. 🙂

  19. More login troubles.

    I’m using Firefox 2, and when I go to log in the log in link is hidden behind the site’s graphics. The facebook login box, which I won’t be using, is so big that it pushes the standard login box behind Bogie. Or the Rolling Stones. Or whomever I happen to see.

    Same at, but worse. I can see the login link there. I just can’t click it.

  20. Is this “moving up to the clouds” thing the reason why my activity on All Consuming (like marking a book read) isn’t showing up on my 43Things feed/Recent activity anymore? The same thing happened with 43Places a (long) while ago, so I guess this would explain that mystery, too. It’s still a real shame, as I miss seeing those activities all together in one place, in a neat package.
    Is there no way for reconnecting the sites that are now up in the cloud with the 43Things feed?

  21. What has happened to “bucket list” type items on Lists of Bests? Now do we have to click through to 43Things to check something off?

  22. I can’t update one of my lists, and it shows that it is 0% complete instead of 6%. Is this a bug that is still being worked out, or do I need to provide more information? Thanks!

  23. southernbohemian

    I’ve noticed two other bugs that you guys can hopefully address. First, in the message part of a list, if I try to save something with a link (as in, here is where you can find the 2008 version of this list), it won’t save. It goes to “Oops” every time. Secondly, it gets kind of annoying having to re-login every single time I visit the site and every time I got to allconsuming – the “remember me” doesn’t seem to help.

  24. I would also like not having to log in every time I visit the site even though ‘remember me’ is checked.

  25. Would it be possible to get the green and pink backgrounds on consumed and consuming items back? They made quick browsing for unconsumed items much easier.

  26. Sorry to write so many comments, but every list I view completes itself at 100% when I have clearly not consumed everything on it.

  27. Apparently all of my 500+ lists are having serious issues getting the completion percentages right. A list with 10 items in it (of which I’ve checked 8) says that I’m 60% done. Other lists that I should be around 80% done with show me as being 100% done. Without checking a single thing I’ve completed more than 15 lists, all of them with unchecked items. Other lists that I have in fact completed (checked all items) are suddenly saying only 60% done (or 71% or 80% or whatever). It seems completely random what the completion percentage is. That takes away quite a bit of the usefulness of Listsofbests. This cloud thing is 87% overrated if you ask me.

  28. Howdy! I just ran into a problem with convincing a list that I did, indeed, watch all the films. All 10 are checked off and yet it is stuck at 80%. I think I’m seeing others lament about this, but I’m not seeing the comment posted here yet. Happy to send more info if it’ll help!

    I’m also having to login every time I visit. Not using the FB login option.

  29. I would like to second all the comments k6lar made: the remember me feature doesn’t work, lists get completed when viewed and the site is not very useable without the colors for consumed items.

    • The issues with percentages and colors now seem to be working for me, nice!

      When I added a new product (book) I couldn’t edit it – include author or upload a picture of it. I have marked it as consumed.

  30. Colour shading on List of Bests seems to be working for me again now, in both Opera and IE. Thanks! 🙂

  31. Color coding and percentages are correct again, thank you for fixing them!
    However, now there’s another issue: items I know for sure I’ve already marked as consumed, are appearing as unconsumed again. Any idea why this is happening?
    Also, the log-in thing is still broken. It wouldn’t be so bad if both Lists of Bests and All Consuming didn’t require their separate logins every time, but it’s getting rather annoying.

    • Sometimes people will go through and change the movies, e.g. to a bluray edition, which then appears unticked again because technically it’s a different item. I just had to go through this one in particular:
      and re-tick about 10 of them! It’s annoying, but not much you can do when it’s a public list and people keep changing them.
      I’d like it too, if we could stay logged in instead of having to log in every time. Sometimes I visit the site a few times a day, so it would be a lot less annoying.
      Thanks for all the work you’re doing!
      xx K

  32. I’ve had to re-check items from a couple of personal list, so apartmentcat’s explanation is hardly correct. But I don’t mind that, as long as the percentages are back to being correct!

  33. I am still having a problem with certain personal lists – it is not possible to check off items on these lists, and they all show up as 0% complete even though I had previously checked off several items on all of them. Is it possible for this issue to be resolved? I’ve listed the URLs for the lists below. My user name is racsgirl. Thanks for your help.

  34. silvermoondragon

    I’m having the same problem as racsgirl has listed above. My user name is silvermoondragon and the lists I’m having problems with are: and

  35. Is anybody else noticing that movies they had previously checked off are unchecked now? And this isn’t because people are adding new versions of the film to the list. Sooo many of my lists are messed up because of this. Great.

  36. Dunno about the check-off items unchecking, since Ive been checking off the same items even before the cloudy transfer (people should really search before they add..) but I am having a problem with all the “N things to do before I die” lists. There are no checking boxes…. 😦 I live for these boxes. Seriously, who cares about lists?? GIMME MY BOXES!! please!
    (Am impressed by some of the people here having 1000+ lists… how do you manage?)
    I hope all the catholics are praying for a speedy recovery of our checkboxes..

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