Profile page preview: my status

My status is a brand new feature to 43 Things. Think of it as a casual way of letting people know what you’re up to. Some folks have been hacking this feature for a while by editing their display name in the ‘edit your account’ section. My status makes sharing this info much easier.

When you’re logged in on your profile page you’ll see the sentence “what are you doing today?”. Click on it. Type what you want people to know. Hit return. You’ve just updated your status.

You can update your status as often as you like. Your status message will display after your name on your profile page, your entries and your comments across the site. As soon as you change your status it changes sitewide. Status is optional, so share your status only if you feel the need.

Next up … the kitchen sink.

2 responses to “Profile page preview: my status

  1. Will we ba able to link Twitter accounts up to our status?

  2. Why not just a twitter “widget”? or have twitter integrated like the flickr photos are?

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