Category Archives: Announcements

Resolution Time

Believe it or not, 2012 is nearly upon us. To help you usher in the new year, we’ll be launching our annual New Year’s Resolutions feature in the next few days. Start thinking about your list now.

To help you, we’ve again enlisted the help of folks who we think have good resolution ideas. Some you may remember from last year, some are new this year. We hope it’ll be helpful.

So what do you resolve to do in 2012?

Hurrah! It's time for 43 Things' New Year's feature!

Subscriptions Changes (Behind the Scenes)

As part of our effort to make it more fun and easy for you to stay up to date on the goals and people that you’re interested in, we are simplifying subscriptions. In the past you could subscribe to people who are not 43 Things users or subscribe to part of a user (if that doesn’t make sense to you, don’t worry…). Now you can only subscribe to users (if that seems obvious… well, that’s why we are changing it :)). If all goes well, most of you will only notice minor changes. Of course if you have been subscribed to some of the not-actual-users I mentioned above the number of people you’re subscribed to may change (this should only apply to people who used 43 People extensively).

Tonight (May 25) at around 10PM PDT I will be moving subscriptions over to the new system. 43 Things will stay up and you will be able to do everything as normal, but if you are on the site around that time, you may notice that your subscriptions have disappeared. This should be (very) temporary! If you come back later and there’s still a problem with your subscriptions, or if you see any other bugs, or just have feedback, please report them using the Contact Us form.

Update: 10:21 PM PDT: starting the migration, if your subscriptions are missing, sit tight…

Update: 11:07 PM PDT: the migration is complete, all subscriptions should be restored

Some behind-the-scenes tweaking

Hi Everyone,

The weather in Seattle is great and us robots are in good spirits. We’re working on a few things behind the scenes to speed up page loading times and standardize our infrastructure. You shouldn’t notice any differences in the site, but as always, if you see any bugs, please let us know!

The Robots

[photo by 1yen]

New 43 Things Homepage

Are you tired of the 43 Things homepage telling you how hard it is to change your life? Never look at it anymore because it’s always the same? You may be happy to hear that we’ve revamped it to be more interesting for repeat goal-achievers!


We’re now showing you recent updates on goals on your list, on goals you’ve completed and are willing to help with, and from people you’re subscribed to. We are hoping it will be useful and inspiring to see what other people are doing on the goals you are working on. For the helpers and experts among us I think it will be a great way to find people who could use some cheers, encouragement or advice on goals you’ve completed.

Just to clarify, this is the 43 Things homepage at when you are logged in to your account. Your profile page ( hasn’t changed, and the old subscription page is still there.

Let me know what you think!

Help Us Improve 43 Places!

We just launched PROJECTS, a new section of 43 Places. This is where you can find things that we’d like to see added to the site. It could be new places, new destinations, and/or new neighborhoods, etc. The idea is that when you have time and inclination, you can pop in and add some content — either brand new entries, or adding to existing lists. We are keenly interested in finding people from different cities to add their knowledge — nobody knows your town better than you! 

Projects Example

Right now we’re focusing on neighborhoods, restaurants, sports-related destinations,  and the like, but we’ll soon be adding more and more projects to the mix. (If you have ideas for new projects, let us know.) It’s easy to get started: just pick a project, and start adding! Ideally you’ll update the Project page, too, so that others know it’s been taken care of.

Questions? Comment below! Thanks all.

New Resolution Feature

We just launched a new feature.  It’s all about New Year’s Resolutions.  We solicited resolutions from inspiring people and we hope you’ll find an idea or two from among their many resolution suggestions.  Here’s a sneak peek:

New Year's Resolution Feature screenshot

Now get out there and make your list!

Time for New Year’s Resolutions

It’s almost 2011! This year went by pretty fast here at Robot Co-op HQ. In our ongoing mission to help everyone on the internet figure out what they want to do with their lives, we tweaked the home page to make it geared towards New Year’s Resolutions.

You can create a list of resolutions (separate from your 43 Things bucket list) and share them with friends. Check it out, and enjoy the rest of 2010!

Scheduled Downtime Saturday Night

Just wanted to let y’all know that we’re scheduling some downtime on Saturday night around 23:00 (Pacific time). We’ll take 43 Things down for about an hour, so we can perform a code upgrade. When it’s back up, some of the slower pages around the site should see a performance boost!

Introducing, our new water cooler (and the fabulous Kathy Mar)

She did it. In her first week on the job, Kathy Mar, our newest Robot brought cool, fresh water back to our office.

Kathy’s been a user of 43Things since December 16, 2004, making her one of the first 300 users. We are still working out her title, but “Captain Obvious” is in the lead. She brings a practical approach to the Co-op that is already getting us to rethink some of the 6 year old ruts we’ve created for ourselves.

Kathy is a graduate of Columbia University. She’s an accomplished internet veteran. Kathy’s worked at Microsoft, Real Networks, Disney and multiple mobile companies.

Hiring Kathy brings the Robot Co-op back up to fighting strength. We are now 6 Robots. She also adds the 10th dependent (Joe and Venessa are about to bring it to 11).

43 Places and 43 Things login

Just a short note because most of you will (hopefully) not notice anything different. If you use both 43 Things and 43 Places, you have been logging in to both with your 43 Things account. We’re splitting them apart, so now you have separate 43 Things and 43 Places accounts. All existing users have had their usernames and passwords copied over, so you have the same urls, same usernames, and same passwords as before.

If you’re having trouble logging in, I apologize for any bugs, and please contact us so we can get things sorted out.

If you’re curious about our reasons for doing this, it’s mostly to reduce confusion (with things like logging in with facebook, closing accounts, etc) as we develop the two sites in different directions. If you haven’t had a look at 43 Places in a while, go take a look.