43 Places on the move

You’ll notice some changes on 43 Places today. We’re working on an overhaul of sorts … rearranging and clarifying lots of the good things about 43 Places and adding a few new features. We’ll be working on it in the coming weeks so expect changes and fixes to roll out pretty regularly.

I’m on Maui today, but the other Robots are back in lovely Seattle. Take a look at your turf and let us know how it looks. Mahalo.

maui on 43 Places

26 responses to “43 Places on the move

  1. 43places looks good but I’m lost. Where are cheers and entries? How d I navigate to the other 43sites from 43places?
    Thanks –

  2. I hope the expandable map of places we’ve been and would like to go isn’t permanently gone. It was my favorite feature and I miss it greatly.


  3. This is a huge improvement. (Though I’ll admit that I might like 43P better than 43T, but it’s so hard to choose between two favorites.)

    I really like how the lists are displayed now. Very graphically pleasing. I like the spin-the-globe feature, though I’m not wholly certain how it works yet. That’s ok. Keep it a mystery for awhile, since it’s a new toy to play with. I love the new photo display. WOW! Eleventy times better. The location search is vastly better too. Navigating up to parent places is also much more streamlined. The questions, a feature I’ve taken advantage of and given back to, are much more prominent–as they should be.

    I’m sorta sad the cheers are gone, but they did seem to be underutilized. If they go, so be it. Same with the flash map of the world, though I really enjoyed–in a voyeuristic way–seeing where people had been to and wanted to go to, but that may just be me. I also liked how it gave way to fast navigation of the site.

    I hope the connectivity to the other sites comes back–I like how 43things does it now far more than how it was previously. I wouldn’t mind it being a little easier to see my entries on my main page. Perhaps that could be under the site contributions bit, but I have no idea what the coding would be like. Of course, this could just be that this overhaul isn’t finished yet.

    But you fail to have bad judgment on your sites, so I trust you’ll do amazing things.

    I can hardly wait to see what’s coming next here and at the other sites.

  4. I like it, too! But only if the other features will come back, especially the world map, and I assume you’re still working on the comments, 43t etc connection, and the photos – I added photos to several places that didn’t have any before and now they don’t show up any more.

    Hey, I was just thinking that I’d like to recommend an entry to someone – could there be a button for that?

  5. looks great.. want the map back though!

  6. Well it certainly has the pretty factor. It’s quite beautiful. I really miss the cheers but from what I can see it looks like I need to just get over it.

    I really hope you’re still planning to bring back the ability to view my own entries. And the entries of any user on a particular place. And comments. For one example, if I go to a particular place on my list I don’t know if I should add an entry because I don’t know if I already did that long ago.

    I also noticed as others have that photos I added are no longer there. I hope they will come back otherwise maybe we aren’t supposed to add photos any more? I’m confused. But I guess I’ll just sit back and wait to see what happens.


  7. The personalized travel map is back on the profile page. Entries are on their way back soon along with a way to navigate to/from 43 Things. We’ll be tweaking things quite a bit so pardon our dust during the remodel and stay tuned …

  8. Oh – and photos you’ve added are there. For now, just click on the “Photos added” number. In Carm’s case:
    (assuming this is the same Carm)

    We’ve got some big profile page changes happening soon so this should all be easier to find (entries, photos, etc.)

  9. Yay! I’m especially happy to hear entries will be back. I’m looking forward to seeing all the new changes. Will stay tuned.

    Thanks Daniel.

  10. Hey guys,
    I’ve tried the picture rating (“+” and “-” buttons) on pictures but this is displaying an error (tried again on different dates). I think this rating system is a really good idea. BTW, has the picture order changed on places? Pictures added in user entries used to be displayed before Flickr pulls in galeries I believe, has this changed?
    Another thing I was wondering about is the google mapping for each place, I can’t find the “map” link anymore, is this feature gone?

    I like the wikipedia links!

  11. I seemed to have lost the link to the RSS feed for my visited places – am I looking in the wrong places or is this gone?

  12. It looks beautiful, guys!

  13. Are you bringing back cheer counts? I hope you’re not done revamping the page.

  14. Although, one question…where have the tags gone?

  15. The ratings should be fixed. As for tags, we really do have a profile page design that’s yet to be implemented. Give us another week or two … it is coming. Thanks guys!

  16. Thanks so much Daniel –
    Although I love the new look of 43Places, I have basically gone from a daily visitor and frequent poster to nothing because of the missing Cheers, Entries and link to the other 43 sites.
    I will try to be patient about the updates. Thanks for letting us know.
    Mary (MFM)

  17. I agree with Mary. I have also gone from a daily visitor to nothing. Without the cheers, list of people who have been to a destination, and list of people who want to go to a destination, this site is pretty pointless.

  18. I hope the updates are still in the works. Meanwhile the odd functionality of 43 Places (can’t say you have been somewhere unless it was first a goal) has expanded (can’t say you have been or giving up on anything) and spilled over into Lists of Bests (can’t check anything as complete). This unhappy situation makes both 43 Places and Lists of Best almost unuseable.

  19. I can’t figure out how to use the 43places anymore because it is so different. When I try to report a problem with a place, that feature doesn’t work or else it is set up in a way that is not very user friendly. I also can’t figure out how to add a place because there are no longer any buttons for “I want to go here” or “I have been here.” The new look is great, but it has gotten WAY too difficult to navigate and way too tedious to use.

  20. Is it just me or is the site down? Maybe this isn’t the place to ask, but I figured it was worth a shot.


  21. Although i like the site like anything!
    I am still not able to send msgs or recieve them ..
    please let me know!
    my id on 43things is SunnyPiyush

  22. Well, coinciding with the changes today, it seems to have broken my ability to view most (but not all) of the pictures on this website, using my Mac (OS X 10.5) using safari.

    My secondary (completely independent) mac has the same issue.

    All other websites I’ve tried are working as usual and as expected.

  23. Hey, guys, just wanted to let you know all the images on your site aren’t showing up. The files hosted on Amazon.com are fine, but the others aren’t. (Userpics, too.)

  24. Hey guys, love the site but please, please, PLEASE put the “add my map to my blog” feature back up! I want to add my map to a Web site before I have to resort to finding another site where I can make one (and my hunch is that there aren’t many)!

  25. Is 43Places still a work in progress?

    I really miss being able to see entries by place and user. For example, if I want to see my own entries for a particular place I can’t unless I scroll through all entries I’ve ever posted on the site.

    I also used to enjoy being able to see another user’s entries on one of their “places.” And of course the cheers. Maybe 15 a day was too many, but 5 would be great.

    I think Daniel said there would be some updates to the profile page coming. I noticed some small changes recently but nothing that I would call significant. A couple weeks has turned into 2-1/2 months, so perhaps priorities have changed.

    Just know there are several of us still hoping to have some of the old functionality back. Thanks.

  26. Yeah! Glad to see the link back on 43Places to view other people’s entries. Will Cheers be far behind?

    Thanks very much.

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