Site outage Sunday morning

broken robot

How’s your 2010 going so far?  We hope you’re sticking to your New Years Resolutions!

Sunday morning starting at 2:00am Pacific time, we’re bringing all the sites down for database maintenance.  The outage may last up to 4 hours, but probably won’t take that long.  We’re sorry for the inconvenience, and we hope we picked a time that will impact as few people as possible.

update: maintenance completed without any problems.  The sites were down for about 2.5 hours.  Thanks for your patience (especially those further East from us who had to go without 43 Things in the middle of their days!)

[Photo by andrewscott]

One response to “Site outage Sunday morning

  1. Ohgodohogdohgod no 43T on a Sunday lunchtime, can’t cope aaaaaargh…

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